Focus on the problem, not the solution

Hello, Nomadic Entrepreneur listeners! In this episode, inspired by a visit to Kuala Lumpur and the book “The Happiness Algorithm” by Mo Gawdat, former business director at Google X, we explore a powerful idea that can transform the way we approach entrepreneurship: “Fall in love with the problem and not the solution”. Gawdat, with his experience at Google X, a disruptive innovation unit, invites us to think differently. Instead of focusing on improving something that already exists, he challenges us to erase the current concept and create something completely new and unlabeled. This approach can be applied to entrepreneurship: instead of falling in love with our own solutions, we should focus on the real problems that need to be solved. In this episode, we will delve into how, in entrepreneurship, we tend to be passionate about our ideas and solutions, but often forget that the core of entrepreneurship should be the solution to a real, tangible problem. We will discuss how to validate that this problem really exists in the market and that there are people interested in the solution we offer. We will talk about simple but effective techniques to validate your idea: from offering your service for free to creating a minimum viable product that you can launch in less than 24 hours. We’ll explore how to simplify processes and minimize the resources needed to get started, helping you focus on the essentials and avoid distractions. This episode is an invitation to reflect on your approach to entrepreneurship: Are you solving a real problem or are you simply in love with your solution? At the end, I will encourage you to go back to the root of your project and rethink whether you are thinking about the problem you want to solve or the solution you want to provide. Remember that you can leave me a rating if you liked the episode. This not only helps me, but it can be helpful to someone else as well. You can also find me on Instagram @soySofiaMateo, on my website pequeñ, or at I look forward to your comments and ratings, and I’ll see you on the next episode of Empresaria Nómada. see you soon!


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