How to use multipotentiality to your advantage, with SoyGon

Hello, listeners of Empresaria Nómada! Today I bring you a particularly stimulating and inspiring episode with SoyGon, aka Gonzalo Barrio, a living example of what it means to be a multipotential person. In “Yes to Everything: How to Use Multipotentiality to Your Advantage,” we explore how diverse passions and experiences in different fields can be a powerful driver for building businesses and fostering personal growth. SoyGon shares with us his struggle with the social pressure to specialize in one area and the importance of experimenting, discovering yourself and being true to your own creative nature. He talks about the concept of the “pyramid of potential,” highlighting the need to understand our motivations, overcome pain and trauma, and transcend information to tap into our multiple potentialities. In this conversation, we address how society often pressures us to focus on a single path, yet SoyGon encourages us to embrace all of our capabilities and find our place where we can flourish. We reflect on the challenges of entrepreneurial growth, the importance of self-knowledge, acceptance and surrounding ourselves with the right people. SoyGon shares his experience of how to transform ideas into action and the importance of embracing change and growth. He explores the idea of experimentation and self-discovery as key for multipotentialists, emphasizing that labels like “multipotential” should not limit us, but help us extract the maximum value from our capabilities. This episode is an invitation to visualize our goals and work intelligently to achieve them. If you have ever felt limited by the need to specialize or if you identify with having multiple passions and interests, this episode will motivate you to embrace your multipotentiality. Remember that you can contact me directly through the contact form on my website. If you liked this episode, please feel free to leave a rating on Spotify. It takes you a few seconds, but it helps me a lot. And if you want to gossip about the life of a digital nomad, you can follow me on Instagram at @soysofiamateo. We look forward to your comments and ratings, and see you on the next episode of Nomadic Entrepreneur! See you later!


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