Sell yourself every day and do it right

Hi! I’m Sofía Mateo, strategy and personal branding consultant, and you’re listening to “Empresaria Nómada”, the podcast where we talk about entrepreneurship, personal development, travel, marketing and much more, all from the perspective of a restless mind. In this episode we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of sales. There is a fine line between selling a product that really helps the consumer and selling an empty promise, what we commonly call “selling smoke”. I’m going to share with you my point of view on sales and why I believe that selling is something we all need to do, both in business and in our daily lives. So, if you are an inquiring mind, this space is for you. Let’s get started! The other day I was having coffee with some friends and the subject of sales came up, a topic that, lately and not so lately, is very present in my environment. I see that the idea that selling is a bad thing, that really good things don’t need to be sold, is still growing. But I don’t agree at all. I firmly believe that when something is good, it should be promoted. So why do some people dislike the idea of selling? I think this stems from individual beliefs about what selling is and what it entails. To me, selling is nothing more than making a product or service available to someone else that they need and that can be useful to them. It’s like when we recommend a restaurant to a friend or suggest a book we loved. We sell and are sold every day, even when we interact socially. The key is to offer something that genuinely benefits the other person. However, we often associate selling with exaggerated and misleading promises, which creates a negative perception of the selling process. It is important to differentiate between selling ethically and selling with manipulative techniques. Selling ethically implies offering a quality product or service, communicating its benefits in an honest and transparent manner. On the other hand, selling with manipulative techniques, such as the use of fear or false scarcity, is unethical and does not benefit any of the parties involved. As consumers, we also have a responsibility to question and not be swayed by empty promises. We must make sure that what we are buying meets our needs and that the company or person offering it is acting ethically. In short, sales in itself is not a bad thing. We all sell and are sold on a daily basis. The key is to do it ethically, consistently and always with mutual benefit in mind. So the next time you find yourself in a sales situation, remember that you are offering something that may be of great value to the other person. I’d love for you to listen to the full episode to better understand this concept and discover more about ethical sales! Leave me a rating to help me reach more people and remember you can find me on Instagram as @soySofíaMateo or through my website, pequeñ See you on the next episode of Nomadic Entrepreneur!


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